Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just A quick Post

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that I was a guest blogger over on the LillStreet blog again. Run over and take a quick look at: .

And, just because I hate blogging without pictures here are a few spring pictures from around Chicago. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Painting On Silk With Thickened Dye

Just tossing up a picture of one of the many things I have been working on. I had a lot of fun creating this in class. In this picture it is still unwashed and stiff with alginate. I have since washed it out and the color is still almost as vibrant (I need to take another picture of it washed out). I have more pictures to share later (once I get the pictures uploaded from my camera). I am off to enjoy the day. It is sunny and in the 70's here today. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Sun is Back!

The sun came back out to play today. It is back to being very cool but as long as the sun is out I don't mind so much (it is spring after all). I have been making scarves this week. So far I have just been printing and dyeing scarves. I even did a couple pole wrapped shibori scarves. I haven't taken any pictures yet because they still need to be overdyed. I plan to get to that this weekend. I also really need to make some more nuno-felted scarves as my supply is really low at the moment. So I should have pictures up soon. In the meantime here is a picture of one of my kitties enjoying the sun.

Friday, April 2, 2010

"It has been a long and busy week" or "Work, 2 Classes, and a Funeral"

This has been a very long week both physically and emotionally. I was signed up for a four day workshop in Natural Dyeing running Monday through Thursday mornings this week (which was fantastic by the way, even though I missed the second day). I also had my regular class on Wednesday nights. Plus I was scheduled to work four days out of the week (various client/jobs). In amongst all this I drove up to Michigan late Monday night and attended my friends funeral on Tuesday (which was a beautiful funeral, if you don't think it odd to say such a thing. The weather was sunny and mild and the spot for her grave was near the river. I missed her memorial service on Monday night but I heard there were some beautiful readings and stories told). Then I drove myself and my sister back to Chicago Tuesday afternoon. Above is a picture of a spring flower beginning to peak it's head up from Pat's yard, a hyacinth I believe. We will miss you Pat.

Below are some pictures from the classes this week.
This picture is of a shadow print made with lace and a blank silkscreen using thickened dye:

Here is a detail photo of the same print:

This photo is of a monoprint made from a silkscreen that was painted with dye mixed with soda ash and let to dry and then pulled with alginate thickener:

I managed to get a second image printed from that same screen, it is much lighter but still quite visible:

Below are a few pictures from the Natural Dye class. I will post more at another time since I am beginning to get sleepy.