Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pictures from classes that I took at Lill Street before the holidays

The above picture is of my kitty cat screen printed on a couple scarves and a flour sack dishtowel.

The above picture is a silkscreen of a still life drawing done in class that was made into a stencil that was then used to silkscreen the image in a repeat pattern on a piece of cotton muslin cloth. Can you guess what it is? If is an iron.

I took two classes at Lill Street Art Center in the fall and just before the holidays. I took the Advanced Screenprinting Class and the Easy Repeats Class both taught by Rachel Walker. If you have a chance to take one of Rachel's classes do so, she is a great teacher!


Barbara Marr said...

I will be the first one to admit I didn't see the iron at first. I saw a stylized sailboat. (Husband used to have one)

That shows how great the design is, people see what they want. It is a perfect steam iron though - when you know.

Frannie said...

Now that you mention it, I can see a sailboat. Cool! It was a stencil cut out of contact paper and stuck on a screen. The problem with stencils is you have to have bridges of a sort (or I suppose you could cut out the whole shape and fill in the space with cut outs if you are working with something sticky like contact paper). I went with the idea that the eye will fill in details it wants to see and left bridges so I didn't have to diddle too much with filling in afterward.

Ruth said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Your silk screens are great. I too saw a sailboat until I read it was an iron and now it is definitely an iron. You asked a question about what type of silicone I use on the bottom of my felt slippers. I haven't actually done any this way but got lots of information from people on the felting forum. They suggested using the type that is generally used to cover tool handles. I found that at various hardware stores called "Plastidip" but wanted it in clear. So I had to order it as they only had black, blue, white and red.

Frannie said...

It is a neat idea. I notice that you have updated your blog with pictures of the slippers with the silicone painted on. You will have to let us know how much life it ends up adding to your slippers.

Pamela Price Klebaum said...

This is waaaaaaaaay cool!

Pamela Price Klebaum said...

These are wonderful images -- especially the iron!